Finding the right greetings card

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Greetings cards for birthday month

Hello and welcome to my page about birthday cards for birth month.
Whether you need a birthday card for June or January, I have made a bright and cheerful series of birthday cards for every month of the year.
For instance, if you need to send a birthday card for someone with a June birthday, then this card ticks all the boxes for the bright and sunny month of June...
Then again, perhaps the birth month is in the winter when it's cold and miserable, well you don't have to send a miserable looking card, take a look at this January birthday card...
The inner text reads, so it must be your birthday, but the great thing with these cards is, you can delete the inner verse, add your own or leave them blank, so they could be equally suited to any event for that month.
You just add what you want, for instance, It's May (inside text... That means we shall see you very soon.)
Whether you are looking for a birthday card, anniversary card or a greeting card for a very unusual occasion such as congratulations on your first parachute jump, orcongratulations on making a hot air balloon flight, you're sure to find them here...
... and what's more, you can have them posted direct to the recipient at no extra cost. Shipping is fast and the print quality unsurpassed.
There's a vast array of greeting cards to choose from and whatever occasion you have coming up, I'm sure you'll find the perfect paper greeting card here.
Have a great holiday.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Birthday Humor

What do you look for in a humorous birthday card?
Perhaps it's the "nudge nudge, wink wink" type of humor, or maybe  the slightly insulting but we think it's funny joke!
Me, I prefer gentle humor in a birthday greeting card, such as this one...
I don't like to be very rude to the recipient,and I generally know who I can poke fun at, but most people like a good laugh and receiving a funny birthday card is very popular.
I think it's particularly true when it's a fiftieth birthday card or a sixtieth card, always a milestone & a time for hilarity with some people.
Of course, it can be a more unusual birthday card, take for instance this birthday card for male twins. It's a card that's perfect for one male twin to send to the other, not rude or vulgar, but amusing just the same...
I love to receive humorous greetings cards & I'm sure you do too!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Birthday cards for twins

This is a difficult one isn't it. Do you send one card to each twin, one card for them both, and if you send them each a card (which I would personally advocate) then do you send a different birthday card to each one or the same birthday card each?
Phew! Who knew it could get so complicated.
My own view on sending birthday cards to twins, is that they should each be treated as individuals. Yes, they probably have masses of things in common, but how would you like to have to share everything all of your life just because you have a twin?
Of course, they might really appreciate being sent the same birthday card, and that's not a problem. It just shows that you know they share the same tastes.
No matter how close twins are, I truly believe they appreciate being treated as their own person, so go ahead & get two cards!
What if you are a twin, what do you send to your twin on his birthday?
Well how about something like this?

Monday, September 5, 2011

Birthday cards have changed so much.

Birthday cards, when I was small, always seemed to be printed on brownish card, quite thick and had loads of frilly edges and flowers. I don't remember many birthday cards for men, but I'm willing to bet that they featured lots of men hunting or fishing and were made from the same thick, brown card. These days there is much more choice and thank goodness for that. My old Aunt just loves a birthday card with flowers, a sentimental verse and a pretty envelope. My best friend though, is big into humor. Any kind as long as it makes her laugh out loud and is not aimed directly at her! Kids these days, love gadgets, cars, robots, Toy Story type characters, monsters and dinosaurs, and any birthday greeting card that features any one of these things will be a sure fire hit.
Men? Well, they are on a different planet greeting card wise aren't they. My other half wouldn't know what to choose for a family member, hence, like me I'm sure it's mainly the women that buy the birthday cards. Me? Well, I like almost anything that is original, perhaps a nice watercolor or cartoon card, and humor as long as it's not too dirty. If it's your birthday this week, hope it's a good one and enjoy your birthday cards!

Monday, August 29, 2011

What type of birthday card do you love?

It's a frustrating time for me.  I have been busy making my greeting cards for the pod (print on demand) site that I use, and I have been getting loads of clicks on certain cards.
The big puzzle is though, why are they not selling?
They are obviously catching peoples eye, but the follow through isn't happening.
It can only be the inside of the card, which by the way the customer can change to suit their own needs.
However, my dilemma with the greetings card market is, should I put a verse or not?
Some people love a flowery sentiment in their cards, others just prefer a plain sentiment such as Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary or Hope you get well real soon.
If I had loads of money, which I don't, I would conduct my own greetings card survey to try & find out.
Still, I will carry on regardless & hope that the sales start coming thick & fast real soon!
Have a good week.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

New Paper Greetings Cards in the shop!

Hello everyone.
Well, I've been busy filling my shop with yet more birthday, anniversary & Christmas cards.
I know, I know, talking about sending Xmas cards already, but there are only 16 weeks to the festive season & if you are anything like me, then you need to stock up now before it all gets too hectic!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Greetings Cards Christmas

Well, I know it's still the summer, but it's probably a good time to consider what Xmas Cards you want to buy this year.
By the time Christmas comes around, we have all been scurrying round shopping, socializing and generally getting frazzled as Christmas Eve approaches & we still aren't ready!
If, like me, you tend to grab a box of tediously "samey" cards last minute, then feel really mean when the thoughtful Christmas Cards from dear friends and relatives drop on the mat, then perhaps now is the time to do something positive.
#351c75;">The added bonus to buying them in the Summer is that once the cold, wet nights arrive, there is all the time in the world to set about writing & addressing them, leaving more time nearer to Christmas for that last minute shopping.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Finding the right greetings card

Okay, so there are millions of greeting cards out there.
Cards for birthdays, anniversaries, good luck, get well, missing you, Valentine's Day, Christmas, New Year, you name it...
But suppose you want a high quality greeting card for someone who is battling cancer or has suffered a loss, and suppose you want something different and original. Well, I found the place, it has thousands of cards for just about any occasion you can name & they are all original & high quality.
In fact, I liked this site so much, that I decided to open my own store there, and now I make cards for all sorts of occasions and celebrations.
Best of all though, the greeting cards can be changed to suit the occasion, so if someone really like the design of a welcome home card, but wants it for a birthday or some other occasion, I can change the wording to suit the customer.
So, if you are looking for that perfect greeting card, I hope you will find the one you're looking for, and maybe stock up on some for later.