Finding the right greetings card

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Greetings Cards Christmas

Well, I know it's still the summer, but it's probably a good time to consider what Xmas Cards you want to buy this year.
By the time Christmas comes around, we have all been scurrying round shopping, socializing and generally getting frazzled as Christmas Eve approaches & we still aren't ready!
If, like me, you tend to grab a box of tediously "samey" cards last minute, then feel really mean when the thoughtful Christmas Cards from dear friends and relatives drop on the mat, then perhaps now is the time to do something positive.
#351c75;">The added bonus to buying them in the Summer is that once the cold, wet nights arrive, there is all the time in the world to set about writing & addressing them, leaving more time nearer to Christmas for that last minute shopping.

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