Finding the right greetings card

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Were you born in February?

February is such a cold month usually, so I don't expect you celebrate your birthday with a picnic, unless that is, you live in the southern hemisphere, in which case, this will sound like a load of tosh!
Anyway, for those of us with a birthday in February, who are not fortunate to live in warmer climes, how can we celebrate the occasion without freezing to death?
Well, if you're young & active, or even if you're old & active, why not take the family or friends & go ten pin bowling?  There's usually a bar & if you're really lucky, some half decent food to be had too.
It's  a good laugh, great exercise & a marvellous way to have a good time with those you love best.
So, if your birthday is in February, bowl 'em over!
Happy Birthday

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